retrocade information

So…. just what IS a Retrocade, and why make such a production out of it? The Retrocade is built on the backs of many Emulators that allow one to run ROMS (or rather, ROM Dumps) from original game cartridges, CDs, and circuit boards to relive the Golden (and sometimes quite tarnished) Age of Video Games. The Grand-Daddy of them all, MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) has taken over many of the smaller emulators (Stella, MESS, etc.) to be able to replicate the playability of Arcade games, as well as many home console units. eXoDOS is a project that attempts to preserve as many Apple IIGS, DREAMM, ScummVM, MS-DOS, and WIN3.x games as possible before their magnetic media format degrades and the games are lost to time. We currently have over 90K games in the Retrocade.

Is it Piracy? Is it Copyright Infringement? Is it against the law? Emulation by itself is not against the law. Possessing the ROMS is a grey area and may or may not be considered “Fair Use” and “Historic Preservation.” That’s why Silver Blue’s Retrocade focuses on gaming systems (and arcade games) of the past.  Ready, Player 1?




The Retrocade Sign and Phoenixes were custom made for the Retrocade. The other neons were purchased on-line and are not custom pieces.